Sunday, March 31, 2013

Serendipitous Meeting

My husband and I went to Costco yesterday and ran into our neighbor across the street.  With winter, you do not see your neighbors unless your shoveling snow.  She invited us over for the Marquette vs. Syracuse game (poor Marquette did not play well).  We had a lot of fun and she introduced us to a new card game called Cards Against Humanity:
Is is like Apples to Apples but less appropriate.  You can print the cards off from their website for free.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Concussions Are Not Fun

I now have to question two things I believed were true: 1) I am a good multitasker and 2) I am coordinated.

The other day as I left the house to walk to the bus stop, I fell onto the concrete and hit my knees, hands and chin.  It was a longer walk and the sidewalks were clear, so I thought I would look at email on my Smart phone and drink my coffee.  Not a good idea!  The sidewalk right in front of my house has settled so there is an inch difference.  Since there has been so much snow and ice, I never noticed.

Needless to say, I was dizzy, my ears were ringing, and I was disoriented.  No one saw so I got up and walked into the house.  I was wearing a white shirt, so I knew I had to wash my bloody hands and put bandaids on.  Managed to do this but then passed out over the chair.  Awoke 15 seconds later and made it over the couch.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  Called my husband who could tell I was not right.  He took me to urgent care and the doc said I had a mild concussion.

I thought I would be at work the next day, but when I woke up, my body felt like I had been in a car wreck and sounds sounded much louder than normal.  Today is my fourth day of recovery, my body still hurts and sounds still seem louder, but I am doing better.

Lesson: Do not walk and multitask!  And for that matter, do not drive and multitask!  I guess it took me 40 years to figure that out!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Changes Now That I'm 40

Need to start committing to yoga and exercise.  My mom is a great example of this!  She teaches at least one yoga class a day and teaches an age 70+ weights classes in Lubbock, TX.  Winter has made me a bit lazy although I did take my first kung fu class and loved it!  Didn't get to finish it because I hurt my back from either shoveling mounds of snow or my bed or turning 40.  My husband and I picked out a Serta plush bed (the Karlie) from Sears on Sunday; hopefully this helps but these no flip beds just mean the bed will last half the time they used to.  Had a Verlo mattress-and yes, we bought a cheap one-but it only lasted six months.
Mom visiting Madison

Thinking about getting these Naot shoes.  In the past, I would never spend a lot of money on shoes but now I think it is worth it.  They are expensive but very comfortable!  

One of my favorite dinners lately is Ian's gluten-free fish sticks, roasted brussel sprouts with toasted pine nuts, and quinoa.  Took about 30 minutes to put it all together.  Quinoa has more protein and vitamins than rice and is therefore, healthier.  I have to make my dad's home-made tarter sauce (see below).  Then I had to have a few pieces of dark chocolate.  I get Lindt 85% dark when I want to save money.  Dark chocolate has less sugar and is high in antioxidants.

Rolf's Homemade Tarter Sauce

1/2 c mayonaise
3 T brown mustard
3 T dill relish
salt and pepper

Mix it up.  It can be altered for more people.