Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Ultra Mind Solution

So I have been listening to Mark Hyman's book (no not Hymen) The Ultra Mind Solution on my IPod and talking about it at work.  It is nice to see that he is actually trying to see what the core causes are of health issues that people struggle with.  He is big into healthy foods and supplements.  
Lately, I have been thinking that I am sensitive to gluten (which is different than celiac disease where it seems just having any exposure to gluten causes severe problems) because I easily get canker sores and just feel more run down when I eat wheat.  So I have been trying for the last three weeks to follow a gluten free diet and I feel better and have not had any canker sores.  So maybe there is something that exists where people are sensitive to gluten but not have celiac.
This diet requires a lot of shopping and cooking organic foods- my husband and I used to eat out at least 4 days a week, not any more and if we do, we (he is supporting me as I try this out) eat at asian or mexican (like Chipotle, thai, chinese).